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忠孝取舍孰先孰后在魏晋南朝时期有一个演变的过程,弃忠从孝是当时社会的趋势和需要。阳翟褚氏在这一时期屡屡背信弃义违背"忠"的道德却又信守家族"孝"的传统,是当时忠孝实践观的集中代表。  相似文献   
"鲶鱼效应"强调的是鲶鱼的调动作用及其在平静和安稳状态下的激活、激发作用,强化生存和竞争意识。由于城乡二元结构的存在,农村依然存在着封建传统习惯、习俗,农民的法治意识、维权意识、民主意识、科技意识等比较薄弱,农业发展模式依然落后。随着城市化的快速推进,农村有知识、有文化、会经营的青壮年大量流失,这都严重影响新农村建设的进程。当前的农村犹如一潭死水,急需一种动力使其"微波荡漾"来呈现新农村的活力,而当前这种动力将会来自大学生村官。大学生村官入村将给农村带来新知识和新理念,他们的行为方式和思想也将会发挥"鲶鱼效应",给封闭的乡村带来新的气息,对当前的新农村建设来讲无疑是一剂"强心剂"和新鲜血液,必将给新农村建设带来生机和活力。  相似文献   
目前河南农村劳动力以向大城市和沿海发达地区转移为主,这种转移模式在促进农民增收和经济发展的同时也存在一定的局限性。通过对目前河南农村劳动力供求结构和转移趋向的分析,提出河南农村劳动力转移模式的创新方向应该是区域内自我吸收和跨区域转移相结合,以区域内自我吸收为主。提出了相应的选择依据和对策措施。  相似文献   
在过去的30年中,随着大规模西方人文社科著作的译介与研究,大量的人文社科术语进入了我国相关的学术研究领域,深刻地影响了我国学人的话语模式和心智结构。西方人文社科术语的引入,在丰富我国人文社科研究术语的同时,也不可避免地带来了术语建设的一些问题。这其中,术语的翻译策略选择在很大程度上影响了我国相关领域术语建设的学术生态。本文主要结合人文社科术语研究的特殊性来探讨术语翻译策略选择过程中的国际化与民族化问题,旨在对今后我国人文社科术语的规范化建设有所帮助。  相似文献   
清乾隆年间对大小金川土司的用兵结束后,为了加强对康藏及川西藏族的统治,乾隆帝特设成都将军,统辖八旗和绿营,治理川边。成都将军在维护川西藏族地区的稳定、保持川藏大道的畅通、巩固西南边疆的安全等方面均起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
A chronic, progressive, and potentially debilitating condition, osteoporosis has a multitude of currently untapped implications for effective social work practice. A working knowledge of the medical framework of the disease process itself is a prerequisite to informed practice. This article presents such information, along with the psychological and social components, in order to provide the social worker with the comprehensive biopsyehosaial knowledge base necessary for effective practice with the osteoporotic woman and her family.  相似文献   
Feminist publishing played an important role in the feminist art movement of the 1970s and into the 1980s, and Heresies: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics was a key journal in this landscape. This paper argues that Heresies is important not only because it was a forum for some of the most influential feminist art women of the period, but because it experimented with an editorial structure that required participants to reckon with the discomforts of difference. Editors of the periodical took seriously the feminist critique of hierarchically structured organizational cultures and both promoted and practiced collective publishing. Moreover, through an emphasis on editorial statements, I consider how Heresies gives expression to the affective entanglements of the women involved in Heresies' specific form of collaboration and collective feminist politics. An examination of the editorials as sites of affective intensity helps to come to an understanding not of what women were thinking, writing, and making, but how they may have felt about their work and their relationships with women with whom they worked.  相似文献   
The research explores the narrative frames of recent vampire TV and cinematic stories with a special focus on the construction of gender relations and female agency in order to determine whether these narratives conjure up any liberating or empowering potential for their audience. The most significant elements of vampire fiction are taken into account: the central position of the heroine, power relations, love triangles, and the objectification of male characters. The identified common patterns both reflect and generate a crucial shift in Western sexual politics; at the same time, they address the burning concerns this shift has aroused, invoking the anthropological concept of “reflexivity.” The analysis is further couched in the debate on female empowerment and post-feminist gender representations in popular culture, including the idea of sexual subjectivity and a diagnosis of post-feminism as “double entanglement.” The described changes within the contemporary vampire narratives should not be, however, simplified as new forms of sexist discourse.  相似文献   
A class of linear rank tests is suggested for testing a shift in scale at an unknown time point in a sequence of independent observations. The tests,based on inverse normal scores and on ordered exponential scores,are shown to be asymptotically as efficient as their distribution-oriented competitors. Critical values and powers for these two rank tests are also discussed.  相似文献   
作为一类征收主体,征收关系人的范围是非常广泛的,但我国现行法规就征收关系人的范围并未做出系统规定,这是我国未来统一征收立法必须解决的一个问题。根据立法通例,登记并非成为适格的征收关系人的必要条件。对于预告登记权利人的关系人地位,应分不同情形作具体分析。  相似文献   
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